Award-winning travel writer and photographer
Laurie McAndish King is an award-winning travel writer and photographer whose stories have aired on NPR and been published in Lonely Planet, Travelers’ Tales, and other literary anthologies. Her articles and photography have also appeared in the Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, and Smithsonian magazine.
Lost, Kidnapped,
Eaten Alive!
Turmoil: Escape kidnappers, lock the keys in your car in the middle of the Outback, accidentally marry a Maasai warrior, and survive a lion hunt—on foot, with no guns…
Your Crocodile
has Arrived
Oddities: Track flightless birds, see a 20-foot-long earthworm, befriend a Brazilian shaman, enjoy a whole-body chocolate massage, pilgrimage to visit a sacred tooth…
An Elephant Ate
My Arm
Intrigue: Encounter a three-eyed cannibal, eat a Japanese pizza that seems to be alive, visit a glass case full of shrunken heads, walk on a man-eating lake…